A Sustainable World for All: Stand up against Inequalities!
The EU has 12 years left to achieve the Leave No One Behind principle of Agenda 2030. Still, in EU countries and beyond there are striking inequalities hindering sustainable development: gender inequalities, poverty, tax injustice, climate change. Women & girls face even greater obstacles in reaching their full potential. Our #FightInequalities Campaign aims to raise awareness on inequalities faced by women & girls, voicing out the need for equal opportunities, promoting social, economic & political inclusion and highlighting that making SDGs happen is everyone’s business. Join our fight at our stand at the European Development Days!
The stand proposes 3 types of interactive activities: 1. RAISING AWARENESS - a large competitive & interactive board game focused on all the 17 SDGs – by playing the game in under 5 minutes, the participants find out more about the inequalities and disparities among and within EU countries and the rest of the world (gender inequalities are particularly highlighted) as well as about the Agenda 2030 targets; 2. BRINGING FORWARD VOICES OF THE MOST VULNERABLE - interactive cards telling stories of the most vulnerable people suffering various inequalities in Europe and beyond; 3. EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SHAPING FAIRER SOCIETIES – starting from the simplest actions such as signing our campaign petition asking for more inclusive societies.
This stand is organised by the campaign #MakeEuropeSustainableForAll. This campaign makes the case for societies to be more inclusive for women, children, ethnic groups, marginalised people, and for EU citizens to become agents of in their own communities. The stand aims to promote equal economic and social rights for women and girls, as well as for other marginalised groups of people in Europe and beyond. Moreover, it emphasises that the achievement of Agenda 2030 is everyone’s responsibility – from every policy maker to every EU citizen, all of us need to become agents of change in our communities. With the support of the European Commission, the campaign raises awareness and inspires actions that tackle gender inequalities, poverty, economic injustice and climate change. In this regard, through its interactive content, the stand brings forward voices and unexpected stories of inequality from the most developed countries in Europe to the less inclusive societies in the region.