VIA Don Bosco

VIA Don Bosco is a recognised Belgian NGO for development co-operation that supports education and the socio-professional integration of vulnerable young people in Africa and Latin America. We are convinced that deprived young people can only be integrated into society, in a sustainable manner, if they are well-education and can find decent work. We have been offering pedagogical and financial assistance to local schools for 50 years. Today, we support 11 international collaboration programmes, including 6 in Africa and 5 in Latin America. In this way, more than 20,000 young people in total gain access to high-quality education and training, of which 43% are girls. The development of deprived young people's social and professional skills is the central thread running through all our projects. We help them to become active world citizens and find their place in the labour market. At the same time, we build bridges between schools in Belgium and elsewhere in the world. In doing so, VIA Don Bosco is helping to pave the way to a just and fair society that fulfils the Sustainable Development Goals.
VIA Don Bosco is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2019. This campaign focuses on the three most major Sustainable Development Goals that the organisation contributes to:
- SDG 4: Ensuring access to high-quality education for all to promote lifelong learning
- SDG 5: Achieving gender equality and giving all women and girls a voice
- SDG 8: Promoting sustainable and circular economic growth, productive employment and decent work for all
As part of this terrific campaign, evening lectures will be organised around these SDGs at various locations in Belgium, along with a range of events with our partners from the southern hemisphere, members of the sector, the general public and a few VIPs.
Furthermore, on 25th September - the third anniversary of the signing of the SDGs by the 193 UN member states - VIA Don Bosco is organising the launch day of an interactive game that raises young people's awareness of the 17 SDGs and mobilises them.
Thanks to these activities and the various events to be organised as part of our 50th anniversary celebrations, VIA Don Bosco is making a direct contribution and will become the spokesman of choice for involving young people and raising awareness of the SDGs among the general public.