
Think about water, and Hidrodoe springs to mind. Hidrodoe is an interactive water activity centre in Herentals with around 58,000 visitors per year.
Hidrodoe has been raising awareness around water among young and old for more than 15 years. Conveying the value of water in the public consciousness and promoting the drinking of tap water is our primary mission. Through interactive experiments and gripping 4D films, Hidrodoe challenges its visitors to think carefully about the role of water in their lives, their past and their future. Hidrodoe aims to help its visitors discover more about water and all its aspects in a unique and informative manner. It is a safe and welcoming space where everyone, regardless of age, gender or background, can feel good and learn about water through play that stimulates all their senses.
On 22nd March 2003 (World Water Day), Pidpa, the water board for the Province of Antwerp, opened the Hidrodoe water activity centre. Besides showing how drinking water is produced, we feel it is our duty as a water board to raise awareness about water, helping people to conserve it and to treat this precious natural resource with care. Naturally we also take into account the impact of our own activities on people and our planet.
Sustainable enterprise forms part of our vision and our core activities. Pidpa has achieved the 'Voka Charter for Sustainable Enterprise'. In joining this charter, Pidpa aims to spread out its choice for sustainability among its staff, customers and all stakeholders. Sustainability, after all, is not something we just do for a while - it means continual innovation and improvement. It should never be a bit of hype, but in fact a way of life. The actions within this Voka Charters are linked to the 17 SDGs.
The activities at Hidrodoe revolve around sustainable education. Their educational programmes combine knowledge transfer with interactive, action-oriented learning and personal development. This is how people can transform their thinking around water, the environment and our planet in general.
As an SDG Voice, Hidrodoe has been placing the SDGs in the spotlight with a hefty dose of fun and interaction. A tour around the SDG world, an obstacle course to fetch pure water and many other SDG initiatives are featuring on Hidrodoe's calendar this year. In this way, Hidrodoe aims to convey the 17 SDGs to all their visitors, including families and schools, inspiring them to roll up their sleeves and demonstrate that even small initiatives can help to address major problems in the world.